Issue 41
april 2006Prayer
many of us there is a strong desire to connect with our creator or something we
discern as bigger than us. This may be inherent and natural for some as for
Anna in the book “Mister God this is Anna”. For Anna, God just “is” and she and
God are in continual communication and this is beneficial to Anna – it gives
her direction. Prayer for her is unstructured and unbounded. For others prayer
has been taught and modelled and often comes with guidelines as to how and what
constitutes prayer.
However we have learnt to pray most of us would
regard it as being or having been a cornerstone of developing our faith and
central to our practise. What then when it seems to lose its efficacy and
meaning, when it becomes empty and seemingly pointless and we are cynical of
its value? And for some of us who dare to stop praying we realise that the sky
doesn't fall in as we might have feared. The world doesn't stop and bad things
don't happen.
And yet, down the track we realise something is missing …
How do we re-frame prayer or revitalise it to have
integrity with the beliefs we have and to give it meaning in a way that brings
life and the connection we yearn for?
This issue looks at prayer in a number of ways. We include the prayers
and quotes of people grappling with these questions and excerpts from the
chapter on prayer in Alan Jamieson's book Called Again.
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