Issue 38
nov/dec 2005Single ness
Loneliness is one of the
cruellest things that anyone can suffer. The absence of touch, the lack of
laughter, a shared smile, or mutual tears, the absence of companionship and
intimacy, all are potentially crippling. People deserve and require intimacy,
it is an inherent part of our make-up as humans; it is a connecting thread in
the weave of our existence, and it is a tragic commentary on our times that so
many find it unavailable. For many who are single they confront
these and other issues daily. The church, which many look to as ‘family' and
hence engenders expectations of warmth, inclusiveness and community, often only
highlights the issues and appears to compound the fact that Society at
large doesn't seem that comfortable with or embracing of singleness either.
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